Benbrook Family Dental


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

Does Oatmeal Cause Tooth Decay?

We are what we eat, they say. Teeth are the most unambiguous indication of that. The reason is that many foods and drinks can cause plaque, which can negatively affect oral health. In order to keep your teeth healthy, food becomes your greatest enemy. There is an extensive list of foods a doctor recommends avoiding to maintain healthy teeth and gums. A major part of that list is definitely sugary and sticky food.

The question then arises: What does dental hygiene have to do with healthy foods? Oatmeal is a super healthy meal but is it beneficial for oral health too?

Let’s find out.

Oats – what are they made of?

We often eat oats for breakfast since they are healthy. For most of us, it’s the best as it is beneficial for the body and the fastest recipe. In particular, people in a hurry to get to work often find it a great breakfast. The reason being, it is loaded with nutrients essential to growth. The fiber it contains is necessary for our health. 

Now, what are oats?

A typical oat is simply a grain that has been broken down and processed for easy and quick cooking. As such, it is just as healthy as the grains in the form of chapati. There is a problem, however: phytic acid is brought in by grains. There is no doubt that phytic acid is a healthy substance, but the concern is that the acid inhibits the absorption of a few minerals, including Zinc, Iron, and Calcium.

Can Oatmeal cause Tooth Decay?

As we learn about oatmeal constituents, we can understand how oats can cause tooth decay. Furthermore, everyone knows that calcium binds the teeth together, and as we discussed above, phytic acid prevents calcium from being absorbed. In other words, the risk of tooth decay in oatmeal depends on how much phytic acid is present. So, you can say, oatmeal does not affect oral health directly, but indirectly it does. The deficiency of calcium can lead to tooth decay and even tooth loss.

Other Sources of Phytic Acid?

Phytic acid is found in almost all grains, seeds, nuts, and legumes. You will not have excellent oral health if you consume too much of these. 

In conclusion, oatmeal is a healthful food, and there is no great harm when it’s taken in small amounts or measured in quantity. Phytic acid is beneficial in small amounts, but too much consumption will cause a deficiency in minerals.

Dental Measures: To Avoid Tooth Decay

In order to compensate for the little harm you may cause, you should remember all of the dental rules. 

  • As a thumb rule, brush twice a day for two minutes and floss once a day. 
  • Second, if brushing and flossing do not adequately clean your mouth, you need to use mouthwash.

Dental health requires a preventive approach. Periodic dental examinations will help in this situation. If you have been taking a lot of food, discuss it with your dentist and learn how it affects your dental health. Book your appointment today with the dentist for the best possible treatment.