Benbrook Family Dental


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

Why Should You Not Brush After Every Meal?

We all want pearly white teeth and follow immaculate oral hygiene, and brushing regularly is undoubtedly a big part of that regime. We have all heard that brushing our teeth after every meal keeps bacteria away. However, those who cannot do that might feel they are harming the longevity of their teeth. Or, you might be forced to carry a toothbrush and paste along with you so that you can sneak in the restroom to get a quick teeth-cleaning done after having your food.

But as we will unfold in this article, brushing after every meal has some caveats. Those of you obsessed with brushing their teeth after every meal might be making your hygienist really happy, but what you are not aware of is that you are making room for flaws in your smile. It has been clinically proven and tested now that brushing your teeth too frequently damages your teeth. Let us see how.

Brushing After Every Meal Affects Your Enamel

Enamel is the shiny outer layer of your teeth. It is the hardest substance in your entire body. Can you believe that enamels are even stronger than bones and protect your teeth? 

After eating, you must be aware that food particles stick to your teeth. This later becomes home to bacteria or plaque. This plaque buildup produces acids that attack your teeth and adversely affect your enamels to the point that they might even break. 

Plaque also creates cavities in your mouth. So once you eat your food, your teeth are already in a vulnerable state under the effects of acid, where further brushing your teeth would cause dental abrasion. 

Abrasion means losing enamel progressively, which eventually shows up as prominent notches on your teeth. Gradually the enamel would wear away, exposing the dentin which is located under it.

Dentin lacks the hardness that enamels possess, so it is not good enough to protect against mouth bacteria. Once dentin is exposed, the mouth bacteria would cause tooth decay, and finally, you would have no choice but to extract your precious tooth.

Should You Avoid Brushing After Every Meal?

We do not recommend that you should avoid brushing your teeth after every meal. What matters here is when and how you brush your teeth.

It is suggested that you wait for 30 minutes or more after consuming something. Also, do not brush your teeth too vigorously or aggressively. During this 30 minutes wait time, the saliva would kill the bacteria as it has its bacterial enzymes. The saliva also helps in washing away those food particles which get hidden between your teeth.

The importance of brushing after every meal is mainly dependent on what kind of food you eat. If you eat something light like a salad and some carbonated drink, you can go ahead and brush immediately if you feel the need to do so. But the same does not apply to sugary or heavy meals. The best way to avoid enamel erosion is by eating a healthy diet and avoiding foods and drinks that harm it. Just in case you feel enamel erosion or some other issue.

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!