Benbrook Family Dental


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

Why Do You Need Biannual Teeth Cleaning

We all are aware that prevention is better than cure, and what better way than to apply this mantra in your dental care regimen. Thoroughly brushing the teeth, using dental floss, and topping everything off with a good-quality mouthwash is vital to keep our mouth squeaky clean, and healthy. But, many times, a dental hygiene routine may not be enough to keep dental problems at bay.

The stealthy dental plaque inhabits our mouth, unbeknownst to us or our savior toothpaste, and attacks our gums and teeth. The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends biannual dental cleanups because it has been proven that an oral hygiene routine is not enough for the overall wellbeing of our precious pearls in the long run.

Apart from thorough cleaning that entails removing remnants of plaque or any tartar buildup between the teeth gaps, below the gums, or behind the teeth, a biannual dental cleaning can reveal early signs of various gum diseases, dental decay, and so forth. Moreover, professional teeth cleaning twice a month also prevents the struggle of invasive dental work in the future.

Top 3 Reasons Why You Must Opt for Biannual Dental Cleaning

  • A big problem associated with teeth and gums is plaque buildup. It is a fairly common phenomenon that can be avoided by following proper dental care hygiene. But, sometimes, our toothbrushes and dental floss cannot reach the extreme nooks and crannies of our mouth, which results in plaque buildup. If left unattended, plaque buildup can escalate into tartar that discolors the teeth and is impossible to remove via regular brushing. Professional biannual teeth cleaning is vital to remove the hidden plaque and prevent tartar formation altogether. 
  • The earliest stage of the most common type of gum disease – gingivitis – is generally caused by plaque buildup inside the mouth. A large section of the American cohort is susceptible to this disease. The most common symptoms of gingivitis are red and swollen gums, followed by bleeding. One of the best tactics to keep gingivitis at bay is by opting for biannual dental cleanups. If gingivitis is left untreated for whatever reason, it can culminate into periodontitis, a severe gum disease. So, it is necessary to be cautious.
  • The stigma associated with tooth decay is universal, especially when it is premature. In addition to the negative impacts on confidence and self-esteem, replacing or restoring a tooth is very expensive and jeopardizes your budget. So, it is essential to take precautionary measures and make sure that you do not reach this adverse stage in the first place. The main reason for tooth loss is dental decay, which can be fixed, reversed, and treated through biannual teeth cleanings.

The vitality of biannual professional teeth cleaning is paramount and invaluable. It is a mandatory step to ensure the prolonged wellbeing of the teeth and gums. It is also an investment as we can avoid expensive dental treatments if one regularly visits the dentist. 

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