Benbrook Family Dental


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

What are the rules for braces?

Braces play a vital role in a person’s life, and it changes their whole personality by enhancing their smile and boosting their confidence. So with your day’s braces, you need to be careful during treatment time. So, if you want your treatment to be as effective as possible while causing the least amount of discomfort and yielding the best results, there are a few rules to follow when you have braces on. Carelessness with braces has a risk of injury and dental trauma. Listen carefully to your dentist or orthodontist when it comes to taking care of your teeth and braces, and follow their instructions. To help you, here are some general points for your consideration.

Choose or change your brush with the “right brush.”

If your brush is stiff and poky, change it as soon as possible. It can cause harm to the gums and weaken your enamel. A good brush should have smooth and soft bristles for use. Every brush, after a long time of use, becomes unusable. So get a new one with soft bristles for your teeth.

Brush and floss regularly.

Most people brush their teeth once a day. But doctors recommend brushing teeth twice a day, once in the morning and once at night. With braces, it becomes essential to both brush and floss your teeth daily. Because food can become stuck in braces, causing plague and tooth decay. That is why it is necessary to give extra attention.

Avoid hard and sticky foods.

As previously stated, food quickly becomes lodged in braces and can result in decay. With braces, doctors recommend avoiding sticky and crunchy food items and drinks with high sugar and acidity, like soda drinks. Though braces are hard metal, they can break and pop out due to rigid food bites.

Schedule an appointment with your dentist if you are in trouble during your braces treatment instead of avoiding it.