Benbrook Family Dental


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

The Importance of Crowns and Bridges

Crowns and bridges are dental tools that are used for teeth correction and alignment. Analogous to its name, a dental crown is fitted on top of a tooth to restore the damage. Likewise, a dental bridge acts to connect two teeth and fills the underlying space between them. If you are interested in grasping more about crowns and bridges and their significance, this is the right place.

A crisp overview of dental crowns and bridges
A dental crown is a teeth restorative technique extended when there is potential for the tooth to be salvaged. A tooth is damaged many times but does not necessitate extraction, which is when crowns come for the rescue. Decaying, chipped, or cracked teeth are restored using crowns. On the contrary, dental bridges are like highways that gulf the space present between two teeth inside our mouth. They serve the purpose of replacing a missing tooth.

Importance of dental crowns
The primary motivation of attaching dental crowns is to maintain a chipped tooth’s size, shape, strength, and appearance. They, hence, help in reinstating a beautiful smile for people who are suffering from dental mishaps. Some of the veritable essentiality of dental crowns includes –

  • They provide support to teeth that are damaged and decayed
  • They prohibit the further wearing down of a broken tooth
  • They protect the tooth after a root canal procedure
  • Crowns can improve the look of a broken tooth and also cover a dental implant

Importance of dental bridges
A dental bridge is another highly sought-after restorative technique that aims to reinstate the natural smile of a person who has missing teeth. The fundamental advantages of dental bridges are:

  • A dental bridge is a cost-effective way of dealing with tooth gaps.
  • Unlike other procedures, dental bridges do not require bone grafting, which is a surgical accompaniment for various dental implants.
  • Bridges are the most optimal option when the teeth are in pretty good condition.
  • Dental bridges and easy and convenient to place.

Do you need dental crowns or bridges?
The usual mundane of life becomes problematic when a tooth is missing or damaged. Despite the apparent ease, eating and drinking various foods can become quite challenging when there are problems in the gums and teeth. Furthermore, the impact of poor dental health on self-esteem and confidence can be devastating. As such, dental crowns and bridges are the knight in shining armor to aid people going through distress. If you have a chipped, broken, damaged, or missing tooth, you are a likely candidate for bridges and crowns. But, it is noteworthy to highlight that the possibility of placing them depends on the overall condition of a person’s teeth and gums and the extent of the entailed damage.

Taking care of teeth and gums is a challenging feat, and there may be slippages time and again. Dental crowns and bridges are innovative and crucial procedures that technology has provided us. It becomes so much easier to deal with gum and teeth-related problems with the assistance of vital techniques like dentures and implants.

Book Appointment to find out which treatment might be best for you.