Benbrook Family Dental


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

Quick & Easy Natural Remedies For Bad Breath

People of all ages may experience the embarrassment and discomfort of chronic bad breath, medically known as halitosis. Bacterial overgrowth in the mouth, improper dental hygiene, specific diets, and underlying medical conditions are common triggers. 

Even though brushing and flossing regularly is essential, several natural therapies can aid in eliminating bad breath and boosting oral health. Incorporating the simple natural cures for bad breath discussed in this blog is sure to delight your day and keep bad breath away. 

Here are some easy ways to eliminate bad breath

Maintaining good dental hygiene is the cornerstone of perpetually minty breath. Brushing your teeth using fluoride toothpaste and a soft bristles toothbrush at least twice daily is recommended. The tongue, which can house odor-causing bacteria, should be given special attention during brushing. Additionally, use an antimicrobial mouthwash to kill bacteria, freshen your breath, and floss daily to eliminate food particles and plaque between your teeth.

  • Keeping yourself hydrated is essential for maintaining fresh breath since saliva washes the mouth and kills bacteria that cause foul breath. Maintain a healthy mouth by drinking enough water throughout the day. A dry mouth can also be alleviated by chewing sugar-free gum or sucking sugar-free candies.
  • Rinse your mouth with lemon or lime juice to kill odor-causing germs and improve the flavor of your breath. After brushing your teeth, rinse your mouth with water and half a lemon or lime juice. The extreme acidity of this cure could destroy tooth enamel, so use caution.
  • Herbal mouthwashes: some plants have antibacterial qualities that help treat foul breath. Mint, sage, or cloves can be steeped in hot water for refreshing mouthwash. When the concoction has cooled, drain it and use it to rinse your mouth. It can eliminate germs and provide a natural breath mint.
  • Tea tree oil is a great natural cure for bad breath because of its antibacterial characteristics. Mix a few drops of tea tree oil with water to make a mouthwash. Be careful not to consume the concoction, as tea tree oil is toxic if ingested. Tea tree oil, which can be irritating if undiluted, must be diluted before application.
  • Chewing on fresh parsley, cilantro, or mint leaves will give you a quick energy boost and help you forget unpleasant odors. The natural ingredients in these herbs cover up foul breath while leaving your mouth feeling clean and revitalized. Always have a small bunch of fresh herbs available to chew on.
  • Baking Soda: With its naturally deodorizing characteristics, baking soda can assist in neutralizing odors and maintaining a healthy dental pH. Baking soda and water can be mixed into a half-teaspoon paste. Use this paste to brush your teeth and tongue for one minute, then thoroughly rinse your mouth. However, because of its abrasive nature, baking soda should be limited to prevent damage to tooth enamel.
  • Green tea has several health benefits, including a reduction in bad breath. Its polyphenol content can inhibit the development of halitosis-causing bacteria. Green tea should be a regular part of your routine, whether you drink it or use it as a mouthwash.

Summing Up

In conclusion, having bad breath is embarrassing and uncomfortable, but it may be remedied quickly and easily with these natural solutions. Maintaining good oral hygiene, drinking plenty of water, and using these natural therapies regularly are all essential. If, despite these efforts, foul breath persists or is accompanied by other worrying symptoms, it is best to see a dentist or doctor to rule out more serious causes.