Benbrook Family Dental


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

Options for Filling Tooth Gaps

Teeth with gaps or spaces between them are common and are not generally a sign of a problem. Sometimes these gaps in children close on their own with age, but sometimes it never does.

There are many reasons why teeth develop gaps, but some gaps occur when teeth and jaws are of different sizes. Some of the other factors that can lead to teeth gap are missing teeth, gum disease, and childhood habits such as thumb sucking.

You may feel self-conscious regardless of whether you have a small or large gap between your teeth. Although there isn’t just one solution, you should speak with a dentist about your options. You can find out about the most popular methods of filling gaps in your teeth by continuing to read this article.

By gradually pulling your teeth together, braces work by creating tension. Pressure from this constant movement forces teeth into the correct position, eventually resulting in a gap closing. Braces can be used for gaps as small as 1 mm or as large as 1.6 mm, and they can sometimes fill in gaps due to missing teeth.

Braces have the advantage of moving all of the teeth in the mouth, something that can benefit people with several gaps between their teeth. 

A veneer is also used to fill a gap in a tooth. During this procedure, your dentist builds a custom layer of thin material (shell) that he bonds to the front surface of your teeth.

Due to their durability, veneers are unlikely to stain or chip. Due to their slight width, veneers can conceal gaps in your teeth without braces because the material matches the color of your teeth. Additionally, veneers can last for a decade or more.

Dental bonding
The same composite material used in dental bonding is used in veneers to close tooth gaps. The procedure of dental bonding does not create a coating that you can place on top of your natural teeth. Rather, the soft composite material is applied directly to your teeth, then molded or shaped to hide the gap between teeth.

In a few days, the composite will feel and look like your natural teeth. Additionally, dental bonding isn’t as long-lasting as veneers. The procedures might need to be repeated every five or 10 years.

Dental implants
When a tooth gets extracted or lost, the dentist might recommend a dental implant as a way to fill the gap.

Using this artificial root, a replacement tooth can be supported. The artificial root is placed directly into your jaw bone during oral surgery. After the implant heals, the artificial tooth is attached to it by your dentist.

Implants have the advantage of being permanent, although the artificial tooth might need to be replaced every 15 years. 

What is the best option for you?
If you have a tooth gap, your dentist can recommend the right way to close it based on:

  • Why there is a gap
  • Based on its size
  • General dental health
  • Expenses

It is not typically a health issue but a cosmetic issue when a tooth gap exists. A variety of treatment options are there, depending on your budget. Consider safe treatment options, and avoid DIY treatments that can be unsafe or unreliable.