Benbrook Family Dental


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

Is a crown necessary after a root canal?

People who have a root canal usually need a crown afterward. Before root canal, the dentist drills a small hole in the tooth. After removing all the pulp, they clean the inner tooth to remove any remnants of it. Dentists will then fill or restore the tooth with a crown.

Reasons for having a crown placed on a treated tooth
A crown is typically required for back teeth (molars and premolars) in the mouth. Bite forces are concentrated here, and they usually need a little more support. Front teeth tear rather than crunch, so they are less likely to need a crown after a root canal. A dental crown may be needed after a root canal in addition to the following factors:

  • Oral Health: It is important to understand the severity of the root canal that led to the dental crown placement in the first place. A superficial crack or decay may be filled with resin instead of requiring a full dental crown. It is not always necessary to place a crown on a compromised tooth when the teeth on either side of it are structurally sound.
  • Bruxism: If you grind and clench your teeth or suffer from bruxism, you will most likely require a dental crown after receiving root canal treatment. Root canals weaken teeth, and the immense pressure placed on a newly operated tooth will prove damaging.
  • Past Damage: Breakage is particularly likely to occur on teeth with root canals that have previously been damaged.

In the end, it depends on the tooth
A dentist may fill the tooth after a root canal if it is in good condition, especially if it is a front tooth. If the dental pulp has been removed from a molar, the dentist will almost always recommend a crown. The dentist will recommend a good and permanent solution depending on the condition of your tooth. The dentist will recommend getting a dental crown if you have previously had your tooth restored.

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!