Benbrook Family Dental


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

How to Choose a Mouthwash

Brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash is the Holy Trinity of an oral hygiene regimen. But, unfortunately, the last step, which uses mouthwash, is ignored by a large section of the population, and even those who choose not to skip mouthwash do not use it daily. It is imperative to remember that mouthwash is the crucial concluding step in any dental care regimen. If you are zealous to know more about mouthwashes and which is the right one for you, keep reading. 

What is mouthwash?

A mouthwash is a water-soluble mixture used to rinse away food particles and plaque from the teeth after eating food. It is the final step in a dental regimen and is done after brushing and flossing. Mouthwashes are not harsh and can easily fit into your daily oral care routine. They are vital in protecting teeth and gums from bacteria accumulation. A gargle with a good mouthwash can also help to rinse away food debris, mucous, and other remnants located deeper inside the throat. Some of the common ingredients found in mouthwashes include water, fluoride, enzymes, antiseptics like chlorhexidine gluconate, preservatives, calcium, and so on. In addition to the base ingredients, flavoring agents, colors, sweeteners, and detergents may also be a part of the components of a mouthwash. 

Benefits of using mouthwash

Using mouthwash makes us feel fresh. But, in addition to the pleasant minty sensation, mouthwashes have several indispensable benefits.

  1. Any mouthwash that contains fluoride and is approved by official dental associations like ADA will reduce the risk of cavities. The extra punch of fluoride from mouthwashes helps demineralize our precious teeth enamel and keep decay and caries at a mile’s distance.
  2. If you are struggling with yellow and stained teeth, a mouthwash may be your lifesaver. Certain mouthwashes contain hydrogen peroxide – an ingredient that helps whiten bright teeth. 
  3. The antiseptic ingredients found in mouthwashes can help tackle diseases like gingivitis that cause inflammation of the gums. 

Steps to choose the right mouthwash

The market is brimming with mouthwashes from different brands. Some claim to whiten teeth; others vouch that they can reduce cavities, while some pledge to be all-rounders and provide holistic care to our teeth and gums. The abundance of choices regarding oral care products can make taking a decision quite daunting. Well, worry not, as we have curated a list of pointers that will assist you in purchasing the right mouthwash on your next visit to the supermarket.

  • The most crucial aspect to consider before buying a mouthwash, or any other dental care product for that matter, is to look for certification by credible dental associations like the ADA.  
  • If you are looking for a particular benefit from mouthwashes, consult with your dentist to find out which is the best for you and your teeth.
  • If you are suffering from some dental issues like gingivitis or decay, you can opt for specialized mouthwashes that target the problem. 

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