Benbrook Family Dental


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

Can Root Canal Heal Itself?

A root canal is an endodontic treatment that entails opening a tooth and removing all the infected soft tissue and nerves inside. Thus, a root canal means cleaning the tooth down to its root. After the nerves and tissues from the pulp are removed, the endodontist refills the tooth with thermoplastic material that reaches the end of the roots. A root canal is a common treatment, with 41000 procedures done every day in the United States. 

Moreover, with technological advancement, the root canal procedure has become painless, which was not the case a few years ago. Now that we have outlined the basics of a root canal, let us try to answer the lingering question of whether or not a tooth that requires a root canal can heal itself.

Can A Tooth That Requires Root Canal Treatment Heal Itself?
A tooth that requires a root canal cannot heal on its own, and the infected pulp of a tooth does not heal itself and requires endodontic intervention. At times, the pain associated with a damaged root canal may stop, but the lack of pain indicates that the nerves and connective tissues inside the tooth have died. However, it is noteworthy to mention that the death of all the nerves and tissues inside the pulp of an infected tooth does not mean that the infection has subsided. If left untreated, the bacterial infection can spread from the pulp or the dead tooth to the jaw, brain, blood, and all over the body. 

Therefore, it is imperative to seek immediate treatment in case of a compromised root canal due to decay, as there is no preventive cure for the problem. In case of delay in treatment, the toothache may increase in severity, and the decay or infection can spread to other parts of the body. 

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!