Benbrook Family Dental


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

Can I get a tooth implant years later?

A long time passed- It is not a reason for not having a dental implant. If you have missed teeth for many years and have not undergone a dental implant procedure, still you are an ideal person for having dental implants. This question comes with bone density. When a person has a missing tooth because of extraction or any accident, then the tooth of a missing tooth is not supporting the healthy gums. In absence of the tooth, the bone of the tooth will start shrinking. If the bone mass is good then you are an ideal candidate for implants as dental implants require healthy gums to be placed. 

Most dental care experts believe that dental implants are the safest and best way to replace the missing tooth. Your dental professional may suggest you because they wanted to improve the appearance of your smile by improving your denture. In this post, we will understand about having dental implants after a long time of extraction.

Not having a dental implant for a long time may affect the overall quality of the jawbone. As long as there is not enough bone mass, the dental implants do not have anything to hold into the jaw therefore, they do not remain for a long duration. In case, if you are not a suitable candidate for a tooth implant, still the dentist can perform dental implant surgery. The right way to know if you are the right candidate or not, is to schedule a consultation with dental experts.

Some of the reasons why you should choose dental implants include improved speech, long-lasting, more self-esteem, more comfortable, good overall health, easy eating, and a good sense of taste. If you are also looking for dental implants even after a long time after missing your tooth, then book your consultation with the dentist now!